10 422 612
meters drilled with Omac drilling fluids

7 378 days
accidents free


Omac Integraited LLP is a major supplier of a full range of services for drilling fluids, well completion and repair solutions for the oil and gas industry in the CIS countries.

Omac activity is focused on the quality of the products supplied.

All materials pass the entrance quality control according to specification API 13A, OCMA.

In our own, and affiliated laboratory facilities, we test all production samples prior to shipment.

Our company has implemented an integrated quality management system, namely:

ST RK ISO 9001-2016
«Quality management systems»

ST RK ISO 14001-2016
«Ecological management systems.
Requirements and application guides»

ST RK ISO 45001-2019
«Professional safety and health
management systems»

Our advantage:

  • Own proven systems, technologies, developments, regional experience.
  • Scientific laboratory researches (core, cutting, cement, hydrocarbon and others analysis).
  • Closed loop pitless system.
  • Software support (OmacPro, Sysdrill Hydraulics, HydPRO, SurgeMOD).
  • Training of the client’s personnel in international accredited centers Dubai, Kuala-Lumpur, Istanbul, etc.
  • Support of the National Development Bank of Kazakhstan and the national program “Kazakh Export”.
  • Digitalization of drilling processes (the own center for collecting / processing information(OmacPro DataCenter).

Chronology of significant events

  • 2003 year

    Our start. Omac Integrated LLP was founded on July 3 in Aktobe, Republic of Kazakhstan.

  • 2007 year

    Entering the international market (Uzbekistan).

  • 2011 year

    Entering the international market (Azerbaijan).

  • 2013 year

    Entering the international market (Russia).
    October 10 in the Russian Federation was opened the affiliated structure of JSC “Omac Integrated”.

  • 2014 year

    The first thousand wells have been drilled.

  • 2015 year

    Implementation of an innovative high-performance system drilling fluid “OMAC HIP SYSTEM”.

  • 2016 year

    June 1 «Omac Integrated» LLP has opened a branch in Nizhnevartovsk, Russian Federation.

    September 2 on KDR 2016 — the second oil and gas forum in the area of drilling and construction of wells, «Omac Integrated» LLP was awarded by a medal from the Union of Service Companies of Kazakhstan.

    Also this year November 2 The «Omac Integrated» LLP was awarded by the “Leader of Quality” Cup from the branch of JSC “National Center for Expertise and Certification” in Aktobe.

  • 2017 year

    February 1 «Omac Integrated» LLP has opened a branch in Samara, Russian Federation.

    May 15 developed and successfully implemented its own software OMACPRO©.

  • 2018 year

    10 January Omac Integrated has opened the office in Ufa, Russian Federation.

    In this year the successful implementation of a new drilling fluids system (HES) was made at the “Bashneft-Production” LLC field. Also the well was successfully completed at the Bashneft project with a subhorizontal (70-85 degrees) opening of the Bobrikovskiy horizon.

  • 2019 year

    “Omac Integrated” LLP has been awarded the 2-nd place in the rating among the TOP 10 drilling mud service companies according to the results of the provision of engineering and technological support services for drilling fluids at the facilities of Rosneft PJSC.

  • 2020 year

    1st place for high performance indicators for the provision of drilling fluid services during well reconstruction of Samotlorneftegaz JSC based on the results of work for 12 months of 2019.

  • 2021 year

    October 1 at the Samotlorneftegaz JSC project, our company applied the “Chemical Colmatation” technology, which allowed us to successfully finalize wells with the presence of Abnormal Formation Under Pressure and unstable mudstones.

    As of November 15, 4,000 wells have been drilled.

    December 9 signed agreement with the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University to promote effective learning, professional development, the acquisition of practical skills, and the graduation of qualified professionals.

  • 2022 year

    March 4 “Omac Integrated” company jointly with Zhubanov University, held a training course “Drilling Fluids Technology”, with practical exercises in the OMAC head laboratory.