10 422 612
meters drilled with Omac drilling fluids

7 363 days
accidents free


Video greeting from Omac Integrated Employees for coming New 2024 Year

31 December 2023

20 Years of Company/Open Day

One of the important events in 2023 was the 20th anniversary of Omac Integrated LLP. There was organized an “Open Day” event in December, the purpose of which was to strengthen team spirit and improve the company’s HR brand. There was a presentation on the company’s activities at the event, employees who have passed the milestone of 10 and 15 years of impeccable work in the company were recognized. A quiz was held with the guests of the event, where memorable gifts with the company logo were handed out. An entertainment program was organized for children and New Year gifts were handed out.

18 December 2023

Omac Integrated has not overlooked the achievements of the young athlete as well

Omac Integrated Company honored the young talent, Akhmediyar Mukhituly, with the nomination “The youngest rider of national sports of the “Zhana Beles” award” for the sports results of 2022. The Company’s management wished further sporting successes and achievement of the set goals!

14 November 2023

Development of material base of KSI “Aktobe Regional Specialized Boarding Lyceum “Bilim-Innovation” for gifted young men”

Omac Integrated LLP sponsored the trip of the lyceum student Kim Arthur to the Olympiad held in Hannover (Germany). Results of participation is 3rd place – bronze medal.

2 October 2023

KDR-2023 – Well Engineering

“Omac Integrated” LLP has taken part in the 8th round table KDR in Aktau, which includes the whole cycle of well engineering.

21 September 2023

Expansion of the geography of services (Mongolia)

“Omac Integrated” LLP entered into a contract with the Mongolian drilling company and currently provides consulting services in the field of drilling fluids in Mongolia.

10 July 2023

Providing support to the sports club

Within the framework of the agreement on the provision of charitable assistance, “Omac Integrated” LLP allocates funds to the “Yeraly” Sports Club for the organization of training, training camps and the payment of scholarships.

Athletes of the Club shows good results at the wrestling chempionship and winning prizes.

For high achievements in sports in June 2023, some of the Club’s athletes were awarded with certificates of Omas Integrated LLP and cash certificates, namely: Sagyndyk Madi, Umarov Irimbek, Sovetov Bauyrzhan and Nurallyuli Beybarys.

1 July 2023

“Omac Integrated” LLP employees hold cleanup event

As part of a two-month sanitation and improvement of the city, organized by the Administration of Aktobe city Mayor, head office employees of “Omac Integrated” LLP took part in a community work day, put in order and cleaned the adjacent territory to the office..

12 April 2023

Our anniversaries

A joyful and significant event was celebrated in the Omac Integrated office, our team congratulated thirteen employees on overcoming the 10 and 15 years of impeccable work together. The Company team wishes the anniversaries further success in their work and new victories!

30 December 2022

7th KDR Forum – Downhole Engineering, KDR-2022

Omac Integrated employees participated as delegates at the leading industry event for the drilling and production sector in Kazakhstan.

24 November 2022

«ADIPEC» Oil and Gas Conference

The Company’s management took part in the ADIPEC oil and gas conference (UAE, Abu Dhabi).

31 October 2022


«OMAC RUNNING TEAM» participated in the «AQTOBE MARATHON» event.

29 May 2022

Joint academic activities

“Omac Integrated” company jointly with Zhubanov University, held a training course “Drilling Fluids Technology”, with practical exercises in the OMAC head laboratory.

4 March 2022

During 2021, Omac Integrated drilled over 1.6 million meters in more than 930 vertical, directional and horizontal wells (up to 4,000 meters deep), including 2 horizontal wells using OBM at the Bashneft-Dobycha project.

Results of 2021

15 years together

«Omac Integrated» LLP congratulates employees on the 15th and 10th anniversary of impeccable cooperation.

The team is deeply grateful to the specialists for their contribution to the strengthening and development of the company.

31 December 2021

Educational program

Signed agreement with the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University to promote effective learning, professional development, the acquisition of practical skills, and the graduation of qualified professionals.

9 December 2021

Our achievements

Since 2003, over 4,000 wells of various types and complexity have been drilled using our technologies and services.

15 November 2021


At the Samotlorneftegaz JSC project, our company applied the “Chemical Colmatation” technology, which allowed us to successfully finalize wells with the presence of Abnormal Low Formation Pressure and unstable mudstones.

1 October 2021

Participation in social and charitable projects

«Omac Integrated» LLP supports socially unprotected segments of the population, implements social and charitable projects in the field of education, improving living conditions and health care on the territory of Aktobe and Aktobe region.

10 june 2021

In 2020, Omac Integrated LLP drilled over 598 vertical, directional and horizontal wells up to 4000 m deep, including 4 wells up to 2400m deep using OBM at the fields of Bashneft-Dobycha LLC with an opening angle of 84-88 degrees.

Results of 2020

>5 000 000 meters

More than 5,000,000 meters have been drilled using Omac Integrated technologies and services.

During this time, 2,900 wells were drilled in more than 200 fields in Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.

1 October 2020

Our achievements

The thousandth well was drilled at the “Samotlorneftegaz” JSC project using Omac Integrated technologies and services.

During its work on the project, the company was awarded diplomas and letters of appreciation from PJSC “NK “Rosneft”.

10 September 2020

Notice of relocation of the head office

The new actual address of Omac Integrated LLP: Kazakhstan, Aktobe, A. Moldagulova Avenue, 57 “V”

The legal address and details are currently the same.
Company contact numbers, as well as corporate email addresses, remain unchanged.

15 June 2020

Results of work for 2019 year on Samotlorneftegaz JSC project

1st place for high performance indicators for the provision of drilling fluid services during well reconstruction of Samotlorneftegaz JSC based on the results of work for 12 months of 2019.

January 2020

Mud School 2019

Drilling mud courses were held to improve the professional level of specialists in the company and high standards compliance in the field of service.

21 October 2019

“Birge – Taza Qazaqstan”

Omaс Integrated LLP team held a cleanup within the environmental action #Birge #TazaQazaqstan

27 July 2019

RDCR-2019 – Well Engineering

“Omac Integrated” LLP has taken part in the 7th round table RDCR in Moscow, which includes the whole cycle of well engineering.

11 April 2019

The results of the service provision at the facilities of PJSC “NK “Rosneft”

“Omac Integrated” LLP has been awarded the 2-nd place in the rating among the TOP 10 drilling mud service companies according to the results of the provision of engineering and technological support services for drilling fluids at the facilities of Rosneft PJSC.

March 2019

Over 450 vertical, directional and horizontal wells with a depth of up to 5.500 m in Kazakhstan’s and Russia’s oil and gas fields have been drilled by “Omac Integrated” LLP in 2018.

The successful implementation of a new drilling fluids system (HES) was made at the “Bashneft-Production” LLC fields.

The well was successfully completed at the Bashneft project with a subhorizontal (70-85 degrees) opening of the Bobrikovskiy horizon.

The branch network of the company was expanded on the territory of the Russian Federation – the branch was opened in Ufa.

Results of 2018

Charity event “Tugan zherge tagzym”

A sports ground has been built by “Omac Integrated” Company within the framework of the Charity Event “Tugan zherge tagzym” in the village of Zhirenkopa, Khobdynskiy district, Aktobe region.

August 2018

XII Corporate Conference on the reduction of accidents during the construction of wells

“Omac Integrated” LLP 07-08.06.2018 has been taken part in the XII Corporate Conference on the reduction of accidents in the construction of wells and sidetracking in PJSC “NK “Rosneft” in Krasnoyarsk.

8 June 2018

Diligent Holding’s Supplier

“Omac Integrated” LLP has been included in the list of Diligent Holding’s Supplier NWF “SAMRUK-KAZYNA”.

23 May 2018

The branch in Ufa, the Russian Federation

Omac Integrated has opened the office in Ufa to ensure improved efficiency in providing services under a long-term contract with “Bashneft-Production” Company.

10 January 2018

Over 400 vertical, directional and horizontal wells with a depth of up to 6000 m in Kazakhstan’s and Russia’s oil and gas fields have been drilled by “Omac Integrated” LLP in 2017.

Several new drilling fluids systems were successfully introduced.

The branch network of the company was expanded on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation – the office was opened in Atyrau and the branch in Samara.

Planned training of company personnel on the international courses “Wells management” (IWCF) was held.

Results of 2017

System database “ALASH”

“Omac Integrated” LLP has been successfully registered in the online supplier database for oil and gas operating companies in Kazakhstan.

14 August 2017

OMACPRO© software

The office has been opened in Atyrau to ensure improved efficiency in providing services by “Omac Integrated” Company.

15 May 2017

Office in Atyrau

The office has been opened in Atyrau to ensure improved efficiency in providing services by “Omac Integrated” Company.

February 2017

Branch in Samara, Russian Federation

To improve the effectiveness of the services under the long-term contract with JSC Samaraneftegaz, «Omac Integrated» LLP has opened a branch in Samara.

1 february 2017

During 2016 the «Omac Integrated» LLP company drilled more than 230 vertical, directional and horizontal wells up to 6,000 meters deep in the oil and gas fields of Kazakhstan and Russia.

Several drilling mud systems have been successfully introduced.

The company’s branch network in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation has been expanded – an office in Uralsk and a branch office in Nizhnevartovsk have been opened.

As part of staff development, the company’s employees successfully completed the international courses on “Well Control Management” (IWCF).

Results of 2016

Staff development

As part of staff development, the company’s employees successfully completed the international courses on “Well Control Management” (IWCF), held in Almaty from September 23 to 27 and December 15-19, 2016.

21 December 2016

Office in Uralsk

To increase the effectiveness of the services provided by «Omac Integrated» LLP, the office was opened in Uralsk.

1 December 2016

“Quality Leader” Cup

The «Omac Integrated» LLP was awarded with the “Quality Leader” Cup the from branch of JSC “National Center for Expertise and Certification” in Aktobe.

2 November 2016

Medal from the Union of Service Companies of Kazakhstan

«Omac Integrated» LLP was awarded with a medal from the Union of Service Companies of Kazakhstan on KDR 2016 – the second oil and gas forum in the area of drilling and construction of wells.

2 September 2016

Kazakh Drilling Roundtable 2016

«Omac Integrated» LLP took part in the second oil and gas forum in the area of drilling and construction of wells – Kazakh Drilling Roundtable.

KDR is an excellent platform for sharing knowledge and experience, as well as developing the better understanding of the technological challenges faced by the drilling sector.

1 September 2016

Moving company to the new office

Dear Gents,
Due to the moving to the new office, we inform you about changing of our actual address.

The new office is located in:

The Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Sankibay Batyr Ave., 173/1, BC “Progress”, “Omas Integrated” LLP, 5th floor, build No.504-512,

tel.: 8 (7132) 70-47-85, 70-47-86, 70-47-87,
fax: 8 (7132) 70-47-88.

15 August 2016

The branch office in Nizhnevartovsk

To improve the effectiveness of the services provided under the long-term contract with JSC Samotlorneftegaz, «Omac Integrated» LLP has opened a branch office in Nizhnevartovsk.

Also in order to optimize the logistics network a warehouse was opened in Nizhnevartovsk with an area of more than 3000 m2.

1 June 2016

Implementation of new technologies

«Omac Integrated» LLP successfully introduced another highly-efficient system of drilling fluids. The effectiveness of this system was practically confirmed when used on the fields.

24 May 2016

Presentation of new company technologies

In April 2016, «Omac Integrated» LLP together with Chemix Solution held open presentations of new technologies of drilling fluid systems in the cities of Kazakhstan and Russia.

20 April 2016

Сharity trip to Khobda region

During the visit, all the children were given memorable gifts. Then we visited the mosque and the youth party Nur Otan in Khobda.

As part of the trip, trees on the territories of the orphanage, the mosque and the youth party were planted.

9 April 2016

Results on the contract of PJSC “NK” Rosneft”

During the contract period, more than 76 wells were drilled in the fields of PJSC “Orenburgneft”, where efficiency of the used technologies and products was proven, including the implemented program software HydPro and SurgeMod.

1 April 2016

The branch office in Aktau moving to the new address

For your information the branch office of our company in Aktau moved to the B/C “Sunkar”, office 306, 2 micro district., Aktau city.

29 March 2016

During 2015 the «Omac Integrated» LLP company have drilled more than 200 vertical, controlled directional and horizontal wells up to 6,000 meters in the oil and gas fields of Kazakhstan and Russia

Results of 2015

Kazakh Drilling Roundtable 2015

“Omac Integrаted” LLP took part as the Silver sponsor on the 1st Kazakh Drilling Roundtable, which took place in Astana on September 17, 2015.

18 september 2015

The results of year of collaboration with JSC «Rosneft» are summed up

During this period more than 50 wells were drilled on fields of JSC «Rosneft» where the efficiency of the used technologies and products, including the introduced HydPro and SurgeMod software products was confirmed.

1 August 2015

Introduction of nanotechnologies

Omac Integrated LLP together with “CHEMIX SOLUTION” company introduced an innovative highly effective system of drilling OMAC HIP SYSTEM solution which purpose is to improve the structural mechanical and colloid chemical properties of the drilling solution allowing to carry out drilling of wells without accidents and complications in productive cuts.

20 July 2015

Letter of thanks from akim of Aktobe

The letter of thanks is received from Akim of Aktobe for active participation in preparation of the 70th anniversary of the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

10 July 2015

Mud School Courses

In March, 2015 in Aktobe Omaс Integrated company conducted refresher courses of the “Mud School” customer’s personnel.

15 March 2015

1000 wells drilled

Drilling of the 1000th wells using technologies and services of Omac Integrated is completed.

During this time more than 2 000 000 meters were drilled at more than 130 fields of Kazakhstan near and far abroad.

7 November 2014

Refresher courses

The leading specialists of the Advanced Mud School company in the Dubai Academy of professional development did the refresher course in April-May 2014.

15 May 2014

Compliance with all requirements

Inspection control of the introduced systems ST RK ISO 9001 (quality management system), ST RK OHSAS 18001 (professional safety system) confirmed that Omaс Integrated LLP meets all requirements of these systems in relation to purchase/realization of chemical reagents and providing boring solutions engineering services in.

10 March 2014

Top management education

Top management education of our company on the specialty “Business Administration” of the program Master of Business Administration (MBA)was held in accordance with the curriculum of the Department of MBA.

5 March 2014


2 professional software products for hydraulics calculations were introduced in our company in 2014 years:

  • HydroPro – is a comprehensive drilling hydraulics program that covers all aspects of hydraulics;
  • SurgeMod – is developed to design and analyze the complex hydraulics of downhole well casing and deployment lift operations.

1 January 2014

Mud School 2013

Omac Integrated company conducted annual refresher courses of the personnel “Mud School 2013” in Aktobe

3 November 2013

Subsidiary in Orenburg, the RF

The subsidiary of JSC “Omac Integrated” was opened in the Russian Federation, Orenburg, address 460005, Shevchenko St., 193.

10 October 2013

Participation in the exhibition KIOGE 2013

Omac Integrated is pleased to be exhibiting at KIOGE 2013, which is held from October, 1 to October, 4 in Almaty city, Republic of Kazakhstan. We are exhibiting in the pavilion #10 of Expo-Center Atakent.

Omac Integrated will be showing our 10 year of accomplishment in drilling fluids supplies and engineering services.

1 October 2013

Outcomes of first half of 2013 year

  • 15.02.2013 — Receiving of ISO 9001-2009 “Quality management system” certificates and OHSAS 18001-2008 “Management Systems of professional safety and health”.
  • 2 quarter 2013 — Development and deployment of innovative systems of Water Based Muds.
  • 08.05.2013 — Receiving of “Systems of ecological management. Requirements and application guides” ISO 14001-2006 certificate.
  • 11.06.2013 — Our company reached the age of 10.

16 June 2013

Resume of the 4th quarter 2012:

  • “Omac Integrated” LLP company became a part of Kazservice (The union of service companies of Kazakhstan).
  • Full rebranding of the company is made.
  • Annual improvement in the skills of the top management of the company was held at the University Gubkina (Moscow), majoring in Economics and Management at Oil and Gas Enterprises.
  • Fully finished restructuring of company.

26 December 2012

Charity Golf Tournament

The company organized and book part in charitable golf tournament to collect fund for providing vital treatment to children of needy families.

15 August 2012